Monday, March 7, 2011
I hope your weekend was perfectly relaxing! We spent ours visiting a few antique stores in the area. I found some awesome pieces we've been after for our bathroom makeover! One was a small silver dish to put my soap in and a decorative door knob back plate to dress up a very ornate door knob we found in the shed of our house. I'm going to piece them together and use it for a hand towel hook/holder! It's a little unusual, I know but when you live in a 1890's farmhouse, a little unusual goes a long way. :) I also managed to find an old apple tree ladder. Can you guess what I'm going to use it for? Did you guess for my bath towels? Then you guessed right! The Man and I gave it a good sanding and stained it so that it matched some of the other wood pieces we have in the bathroom. I spent Sunday sewing a shower curtain which I didn't quite finish since I decided to add some ruffles to the top of them, but ran out of fabric! Bugger.
I promise I'll share photos with you next Monday! We're waiting on a light fixture we ordered online to come in and once that's up, the room will look more complete. The only things that still need doing in there, but we're saving our pennies for, are new faucets for the sink and bathtub. The sink has chrome ones which don't match and the tub fixtures have been broken since we bought the house. I'd also love to add crown molding to the room, but since it's not needed to 'finish' the room, it can wait. I am a patient woman. :)
Anyway, long story short, all these little projects around our house is why I haven't been making any cards lately. Some of you may have noticed that I (temporarily) stepped down from the There She Goes team. Even though it pained me to do so, I had to in order to free up more time to work on our house. So over the next handful of months, I will be MIA on my blog a bit. In between projects, I will no doubt be coloring up images and making cards for them to adorn. :) I hope you all understand my short absence and can hold on until the fall when I hope to be back sharing lots of cards with you again! In the meantime, I will pop in updating you on our progress and maybe even an Etsy Friday Find with you all!

Until then, here's a little photo of the place we're starting to call home.